Thursday, January 24, 2013


How are YOU? Do you take the time too get in touch with YOURSELF?
Or are you so busy that the last person on your list is YOU.
I would encourage you to take a deep breath this year and take a personal assessment of yourself and your life.
Are you happy? Or is that a strange question for you to think about? Have you ever thought about it at all? Did you automatically say yes or no, without having to think about it. Is your answer true or just an instinctual response.
Take a deep breath, grab a pen and paper and ask yourself now
What is happiness, take the time to write down your response/s.
Are you living what you wrote down?
Are you feeling what you wrote down?
The first time I really thought about the concept of happiness as an adult I really had to take time to think about what it meant to me in my 'now'. I had thoughts around what it meant to me to be happy and I also had feelings around what that felt like, but in reality I was living a busy life with a busy family to look after and I had forgotten along the way to actually think about how I was feeling about this life I had created. In this I would think I am very much like many other people, we just get on with it and accept to a degree that this is what life is meant to be as an adult with responsibilities.
It actually came as a shock to me, when I took the time to think about it(happiness) that I was not living in a happy place. Now do not get me wrong I had a great life but I had long ago put myself in last place in my family chain.
Even more surprising was that I really had no idea what it meant for me to experience an intimate connection to the feelings of what 'happy' was. I would say during this period, that 'this' made me happy or 'that' made me happy. But this and that was an external experience. It was also a revelation to me that after much though and writing I had to conclude that my happiness was something I and I alone had control over, no one else could MAKE me happy.
On my journey to happiness self discovery I realised that truly it is a thought process. If I wish to be happy then I need to think and feel happy! It has nothing to do with where I live or what I have or don't have, it truly is about how I think and feel about myself at that period in time.
It is not surprising I lost my way on the happiness trail because if I ever think back on it, as a child you just where - happy- and as a teenager and young adult I learnt to attach my happiness to things or to other people or their needs.
Have you lost you way as well? Are you only happy if your relationship is great or work is going well?
Take the time NOW to reattach to your own inner self, open up your heart and mind to the vast possibilities of living in happiness regardless of what your external reality is. Take back the control of your happiness.
Be a happiness beacon! Smile with your heart/mind and soul. Increase your happiness vibration consciously and watch the magical change within you as the little things that use to erode at you disappear-poof!

"I am a loving vibrant being of happiness, open to receiving and giving

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