Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Being Me

I find that there are many blessings to being in your fifties. For me it was the return of my Australian-ism's. After spending almost half my adult life in Canada where I had to modify my outspoken bluntness because it was viewed as rude or offensive and my affectionate nature (love to hug and touch people) which was perceived as being sexual or again offensive; it was a relief to wake up one morning and have the realisation that "Life is to short to be who you are not". I am proudly Australian as well as a Canadian through choice, but I was choosing to be only Canadian because it was the easier of things to do to 'fit in'. How I dislike that term! Do not say this or that do not be this or that. I actually find it funny that most new immigrants are encouraged to keep their heritage in this the country of integrations, but those of us who are white and English speaking are not given that same privilege. Now I know in someway, someone will take that as me being racist. I say to you this is HOW I FOUND IT TO BE, this is my REALITY
and quite frankly I am F***ing tired of being told what and how to say what is on my mind because someone else may be offended. WHAT ABOUT ME! Am I not entitled as it seems everyone else of other origin is to have my heritage and  feelings honored.
When I turned 50, I also re-connected with myself. Spiritual, physically and emotionally. I came to the realisation that I am entitled to be ME. Good, bad or ugly. It is ironic that Canada achieved what my parents could not, the ability to silence me in a lot of ways. No longer and no more is my motto now. I am who I am, whether you like it or not really does not concern me anymore because having my voice and speaking my truth is a really important part of who I am. Allowing myself to be open and affectionate is also who I am. I now do not allow the judgement holders the ability to control me any longer. I am lucky that I now am in the position that I do not need the approval of a employer or any other system to tell me how or who I should be. Amazing the cycle's we can repeat without us realising it. I spent a lot of time us a child fighting for my voice and my nature and then moved to another country and culture that did just that stopped both in such a insidious way that I did not even realise how much it had happened until I went back to Australia after 13 years of being away. I was so polite in comparison to every one else, so worried about offending with a blunt or truthful statement. But at the same time I realised I had lost that sense of freedom and joy of just being honest and being me. Now please, I am not being a downer on Canada, I love this country it is an amazing place. This is about the power of being a new-be  and trying to fit in, by not placing enough importance on being You. My fifties are my rediscovery times, the relief of being me times, the who cares what others thinks time, my get of the pot and be and do times. My realisation that most likely half my life is over, so what am I waiting for, who am I waiting for. Embracing who you are with an open heart and mind is so freeing I have to wonder why I allowed myself to be side tracked away from what my much younger self fought for. Maybe it was so that when I came full circle I would do so with maturity to appreciate those aspects of myself, to not take them for granted and to except it is finally great to be ME.
Take a moment and ask yourself, "Am I being me. Am I holding back and if so why" and if you are please do yourself a favour and release the leash and embrace you. You are a beautiful reflection of the creator, foibles and all.

Just a thought
Love and light
Debra Rae

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


G is for generating the energy
R is for being real and allowing false thoughts to be released
A is for your actions that speak louder than words
T is for tenderness as you go forth into your day
E is for your excitement of living life well
F is for faith that adds dimensions
U is for unity of mind/body and soul
L is for love, for yourself and others
N is for being a nurturer of ideas and hope
E is for enjoyment of living a life with joy
S is for Self and understand your role
S is for success and understanding gratitude

Step into your day with gratefulness in your heart and mind and you will find that the little things that use to plague you are no longer present and that joy and laughter and love will be there too guide you more readily. Take a positive step and write or think of all the things that you are grateful for every day; the list needs not to be long but needs to be real.

Love and Light
Debra Rae

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Positive verses negative messaging

I wish that the general media would broadcast more 'feel good' stories, because I know that there are legions of people in this vast world of ours who are making a difference. I know that as I write, some body out there is offering a helping hand, giving to a charity, working with the many organizations and groups we have or just helping a family member or friend. I choose to believe that given the choice, most people would step up and aide their fellow man.
Now you would not know that from the media reports that supply us information 24/7. All we see is the bad and the ugly, with a occasional celeb story thrown in for relief or the latest Internet craze. It is no wonder many are feeling hopeless and over whelmed, with a sense that this world we live in is on a path to destruction. Wars and domestic upheaval with a dash of economic doom and toss that with a taste of climatic disaster's and what are we left with? a feeling of hopelessness.
I am a cynic in many ways, as it is my belief that we are feed this continual feeding of negativity so that we (the people) either just except it or we feel exhausted and depressed and do nothing to create change. We do not question the sources of this information and then we are happy with a small tidbit of good news given by the governments. Baa, baa. We are becoming sheep, with a hook leading us around; all for our own good of course!
With most of the world being hooked up with technology and information, like we have never seen in the past, what a powerful tool. I would like us the people to use those tools to limit the negative and focus on the positive. Unfortunately most of us focus on the bad or we just switch of and isolate ourselves either physically or mentally.
I believe we need to become our own advocates and limit the amounts of pre-package biased based information we absorb. We need for our own self survival to focus our intentions on a positive belief system; I am not saying put your head in the sand and not be informed. I am saying be selective and know the info source you are tuning into, know who owns them and what their affiliations are, because that effects the info being supplied.
Become focused on self empowerment and lose the sheep mentality.
What we put out, will be our primary focus point, so why choose to focus only on the bad and ugly. The choice is yours, all I ask if that you at least think about it.

Debra Rae

Monday, November 12, 2012


Yesterday was Remembrance Day and I shed tears as normal when I watched the stories of young lives lost in service, so that we can have our freedom. It was refreshing to see that the young generation was present in numbers. I sometimes wonder whether the concept of individual freedom is some think thought about today, especially in a country like Canada were only around 60% of the population that can vote actually bother to do so.
  It seems to me that there is a lack of connection  felt, between our armed forces that fight aboard now days and the concept that this is providing us with personal freedom in Canada. Apathy is alive and well! It is not just a fluke that countries like Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand and England have never had battles for freedom against other countries on their own soils. Those who stand tall and proud in the face of tyrants with the blood of their own are sending out a powerful message of Freedom and Hope.
  Today as I view all of those who are fighting aboard and coming back with scars both visible and internal, I do wonder whether they feel that they are fighting for freedom and hope. I do not know the stats for the Canadian Forces that return to private life's and do not find support for their injuries but I believe it is on the high side. I have seen enough reports out of the USA that places as high as 60% of returning soldiers being homeless and unemployed with no resources to help them with any problems from being of service. Shame on those in power that allow this to happen. What message are we sending out their: fight, give your life and sanity but tough.
   I watch the politicians and visible rich and arrogant who stand for these freedoms but only if it lines there own pockets and think to myself :"has it always been this way". Personal rewards to a few at the cost of thousands who die! Is it needed or is it a power play on a Nation level with the young and poor being the pawns. Is this why our men, women and children  have given their life's for?
  I watch the group's out there bandy around many reasons why/not we should send in our forces to other countries and I wonder what are their intentions? Are they really stating opinions with the regard to freedom being at the forefront or do they have their own addenda's?
  My belief is that we need to provide those who are willing to give their life's for us to have the freedom to have choice.  Then we should be less passive and more pro-active in what our government and those in power are allowed to do. Those of us who bask in the freedom provided by the loss of others should do more than give a minute of silence once a year. Whether we lobby for our service men and women or volunteer at a center or Vote; It does not matter the what, it is being engaged and pro-active that does.

 To all that have given of themselves so that I may sit here and write the above, my thanks is not enough But I give it anyway as it is something, and given with respect and honor. I salute you.

Just a thought
Blessings Be
Debra rae