Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fuck That

I have a wish. I believe it is a simple one, but it seems to be beyond complexity in reality because in all the years we - human beings- have been around it has not been achieved. My wish is that we can live in harmony and without subjugating others. Is that too hard to ask or achieve?
Is it a D.N.A. thing? a religious thing? a wealth thing? a control thing? a male/female thing? or a lack in human's that cannot be quantified! I do not know, but I can tell you as a woman living in the 21st century, I am so mad and sad that instead of evolving as a race we seem to be heading backwards.
Is it not time that we learn from our errors and mistakes?
May I ask WHY
Why do we have an increase in violence
Why are the innocent still being harmed and abused
Why do woman still have to worry about being raped and exploited
Why do one or two human's make up the rules for millions
Why does religion still act as a control mechanism for so many
Why does wealth belong to so few
Why do we seem to be incapable to create change

Why ,Why and Why

It is with a sadden heart that I watch most news programs because without a doubt most of them have nothing good or positive to report. Death, violence
and poverty are daily recordings. Yesterday was the telling of the 28 children and adults that were murdered in the USA. It is so sad that this is not a rare telling any more. Equally sad was the latest discussions around the right to bear arms in the states. FUCK that is my opinion. Really what FUCKING mentality level is that! I mourn the loss of all this innocent life BUT.. BUT... BUT
I watched on the same day as woman in Egypt are waiting to see if a new law subjugating them even more was going to be supported and men run around with smirks on their faces....FUCK that as well. Really god told you that you where better and beating and abusing your wife and daughters are you right FUCK that too.
I am tired of being told by welfare and charities to give and give while to great degree they the upper staffers enjoy high wages and perks that would feed and cloth millions- Fuck that too
Fuck that politicians and political parties care more about themselves and maintaining there differences than the welfare of the people who voted them in.
Again Fuck that we are in a time where human life mean so little and human trafficking has risen to bringing in as much money as the drug trade does.
I am so angry that I am made to feel so powerless in this age we live in. Where and what can I do to create the changes I would like to see. Believe me I affirm and pray enough I am positive enough I act like I would like to be treated; Sadly I do not feel it is creating the universal change I would like to see. I do believe that we have to be the change we want but we have created a monster out there...the power mongers the wealth at all cost gathers and the leaders of our world who really don't give a flying damn about what really happens. The irony is we vote them in and then we are Fucked because until the next election we are again powerless, and then we are given the choice between the devil and hell once again.
At least at this stage I still have the power in the country I live in to rant and rage and swear, so I am thankful for that, but with the way our world is going how much longer will I have that privilege.
We need change. We need to be equal in every corner of this world. We need to be free and we need to be loving and respectful to both every other person/animal and the earth we live on. Is that to much to ask for or expect. Can we not learn from our pasts and work together for a greater future.
That is my hope and my hope for my children and their children and for everyone else's children as well.
That is my rant and my rage and my right.

Debra Rae

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