Monday, November 12, 2012


Yesterday was Remembrance Day and I shed tears as normal when I watched the stories of young lives lost in service, so that we can have our freedom. It was refreshing to see that the young generation was present in numbers. I sometimes wonder whether the concept of individual freedom is some think thought about today, especially in a country like Canada were only around 60% of the population that can vote actually bother to do so.
  It seems to me that there is a lack of connection  felt, between our armed forces that fight aboard now days and the concept that this is providing us with personal freedom in Canada. Apathy is alive and well! It is not just a fluke that countries like Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand and England have never had battles for freedom against other countries on their own soils. Those who stand tall and proud in the face of tyrants with the blood of their own are sending out a powerful message of Freedom and Hope.
  Today as I view all of those who are fighting aboard and coming back with scars both visible and internal, I do wonder whether they feel that they are fighting for freedom and hope. I do not know the stats for the Canadian Forces that return to private life's and do not find support for their injuries but I believe it is on the high side. I have seen enough reports out of the USA that places as high as 60% of returning soldiers being homeless and unemployed with no resources to help them with any problems from being of service. Shame on those in power that allow this to happen. What message are we sending out their: fight, give your life and sanity but tough.
   I watch the politicians and visible rich and arrogant who stand for these freedoms but only if it lines there own pockets and think to myself :"has it always been this way". Personal rewards to a few at the cost of thousands who die! Is it needed or is it a power play on a Nation level with the young and poor being the pawns. Is this why our men, women and children  have given their life's for?
  I watch the group's out there bandy around many reasons why/not we should send in our forces to other countries and I wonder what are their intentions? Are they really stating opinions with the regard to freedom being at the forefront or do they have their own addenda's?
  My belief is that we need to provide those who are willing to give their life's for us to have the freedom to have choice.  Then we should be less passive and more pro-active in what our government and those in power are allowed to do. Those of us who bask in the freedom provided by the loss of others should do more than give a minute of silence once a year. Whether we lobby for our service men and women or volunteer at a center or Vote; It does not matter the what, it is being engaged and pro-active that does.

 To all that have given of themselves so that I may sit here and write the above, my thanks is not enough But I give it anyway as it is something, and given with respect and honor. I salute you.

Just a thought
Blessings Be
Debra rae

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