Saturday, February 25, 2012


Do you take care of yourself? Do you watch what you eat and try to exercise, drink water, think positive and surrounded yourself with loving and supportive people?
Sounds great does't it and I know that I try to do all of the above and at times I am successful of achieving them at the same; mainly I do one or another. I have come to the conclusion that this is Ok as long as I remain mindful that I am not entering a self-destructive period. I have entered the last few years promising myself that I will not commit to anything that I will not do! Freeing to say the least. I had no idea that every year when I wrote down my goals how dis-abling it was to my inner and outter spirit when I rambled along and failed in my quest/s. Choosing to only commit to something that mattered to me and I was attatched to for the right reasons has empowered me it ways I had not in the past considered. I now celebrate my wins, small that they might be and in the process have rebuilt a level of trust in myself that I had not realised was missing.
By honouring myself I am also re-energizing Mother Earth.
By achieving my goals and increasing my positive energy I am increasing the positive energy around me, above me, below me and the energy of those in contact with me, sending out an increase in positive vibration to the earth. And that is only on a passive level when I add the intention to send out positive energy to the Earth and those who live on it I believe that that vibration level is doubled/tripled or even quadrupled.
Mother Earth is a living entity and at this time in our histroy in need of as much respect and energy and love that we can give her. I believe we are sqeezing the life out of her and if we don't turn our intentions back to bringing her
Balance then we will be leaving behind us Planet who will not survive. I would rather do my upmost to leave my children and grandchildren a place of peace and renewal and healing and positive energy - clean water, oxygen enriched atmosphere seas that thrive and a human race that respects the earth it lives on. Hopefully not a pipe dream.My ongoing concern is that our youth seem to be more and more seperated from the soil beneath their feet by technology or medications that surpress their individuality and are loosing their connection with both the Earth and with Spirit.
My role as a woman in her fifty's is to be a leader and show the way by example to not be afraid to offer a opinion that is not popular and to ask for eyes to be open and the heart to also be open; to celebrate the earth and show how to be respectful for the bounties that we are giving daily.
What is your role!

Just a thought
Blessings Be

Debra Rae

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