Its strange to me that we are always seeking what we don't have
We are always looking to change to improve to be more
We look at others and either judge or seek to be like them
Is it a gene we all share or is it the environment we live in?
Is it nuture or nature?
Or could it be that we are conditioned to never be happy or content with just what is?
We are scorned for being egotistic or laughed at for being lazy or overly simplictic
It seems to me that the subcouncious or id never rests in its quest for internal change
that the concept of happiness as is , is one that it doesn't understand so therefore we
don't really understand it either
Its like a puzzle, we understand that there are pieces that we need to put together to see
the complete picture but like a puzzle with 1000's of pieces we are daunted in the process
we sometimes start organising and putting together pieces but then we get caught up in the
life that we are living and often we only go back in brief spurts to see where other pieces fit
I wonder what it would be like if we just embraced the thought of happiness
that we add no clauses to that thought ...that we think of it like a favourite colour or flower
that it just is and that is it. If we could pass that along unconditionally to our children ..what would their lives
look totally embrace happiness without totally just be happy...
I would like to think that the world would then be a more peaceful place
So my thought for today is I am happy!
May I become part of the solution ....maybe you can become part of the solution too!
Blessed Be
Debra Rae
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