Saturday, September 12, 2009

Energy Protection

For years I have been teaching others to protect there personal energy space
As the viel thins arround us it is even more important to do this
This is a simple method....with practice it takes under a minute

Visulize ....please don't get caught up in trying to see if you can't visulize just believe that u see.

Golden light protection

Take a deep breathe into stomach and release x 3
Close ur eyes
in your mind's eye look up above your wil see a brillant ball of energy like the sun shining down on u look at the ball u will see hundreds of golden white drops fall down down down from the ball...down onto your face....head..shoulders...down your body......down your legs and feet....where it forms a golden pool of u look at the pool it forms into a golden mist that moves back up your body front and back....back up around your face....wrapping u in a protective golden white aura...

use this method to protect yourself and also others. I also use golden light protection on my car and home...simple easy but truly effective.  remember everything is energy both positive and negetive...having extra protection around you means that other energy that isn't meant for you will harmlessly bounce off your body and be released back into the person or object sending it ..u will not absorb it....

Blessings Be
Debra Rae

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