Thursday, March 14, 2013


I have found that the more I explore the concepts of Universal Energy the more I am influenced physically by them. The last few weeks I have felt really heavy and drained and incapable of being creative. Luckily for me one of my closest friends is a Astrology wizard and can tell me what is in my planetary chart. Normally I can then gather a clearer picture of why things are happening. Then I can gather my energy reserves and put a action plan in place.
For me knowledge is power and enables me to work through outside influences to re-create the balance I need to get through what is happening or to put up temporarily band aids that stay in place until the energy has shifted.
I love the acronym K.I.S.S.
Keep It Simple Stupid.
During these intense energy times this is the best advise I can give myself.
Don't over extend physically or mentally
Don't go into self destruction mode
Don't think this is lasting
And finally be gentle and loving to myself.
Having friends you can talk to in moments of honesty and truth without being enabled to stay in your 'shit' is so important for moving forward. Obstacles are often placed in our ways to teach us and to determine if we are on the right track in life. I like to think that obstacles are 'friendly' things ( I often have to work through these obstacles before I emotionally get to that space.)  
But I have long ago determined that having a positive emotional attitude is one of my greatest abilities and that being stuck feeling sorry for ones self is not going to be a great help long term. When I find myself in those darker times K.I.S.S. helps me move around/up/through to find that light that will always be present and available if you look for it.
If you are in moments of turmoil, don't get trapped in the isolation or sadness of those moments and don't buy into the drama, create a path to balance once again by having your own K.I.S.S. plan in place.
Life is here to be lived, and to be lived with all of its aspects being experienced. How can we understand (emotionally) an easy life if no hardships have touched us? I believe there are many shades of colours in life that touch us and help us form and grow and I embrace them freely as they are one of the foundations that help me mature and hopefully grow into the 'wise woman' I wish to be.
Love and Joy

Debra Rae

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