In these times of electronic dependence and 24/7 connection, I believe it is important for all of us to take time out each and every day to be 'switched off'. We need to take time to reconnect. We are spending so much time using our minds that we have lost track of ourselves as a whole entity. There seems to be a generation out there who are tech smart and spend large amounts of their time either online at their jobs and online playing games at home that their whole identity is wrapped up in an electronic haze. Now I believe it is important to be on board with technology as it provides us with amazing resources BUT we have to remember it is only a part of the whole of who we are as a person.
I feel there is a need to get back in touch with our bodies and our spirit and to be part of the earth we live on. A lot of people are walking around with a secondary focus on other area's of there personal being. They feed their bodies often without thought or true focus and some times exercise their bodies because they know it is good for them and that they should, so they do. This compartmentalisation is worrying to me. We are a whole being and need to be aware of ourselves as a whole entity. Even though we have separate needs it is contained within the vessel that is us. When was the last time you asked your bodies what it needed? Do you have that relationship with yourself or do you just do what you within your mind space thinks should be done, or are you totally unaware and run in automatic mode.
Equally do you have a spiritual side that you nourish? whether that is mainstream or alternative or just uniquely yours? Do you understand your placement on this great planet we live on? Do you understand that you are a energy being and so is every other thing on earth? And that the Earth itself is energy.
Take time to switch off and reconnect to yourself as a whole being and to the earth beneath your feet. It need not be complex. Every day take 30 minutes and learn to breathe properly.
Method: take a deep breath in and physically push the breath into your
stomach. I use a counting method of 8. Count in your head 8 in and 8 exhales out and do this 3 times. This is a quick effective grounding and centering technique that will relax you and get you connect to your whole self.
Spend the rest of the time being mindful, check in on your body-how are you doing? check in with your spiritual side-do you have what you need? be aware of your environment and your role in it.
We are all a atom of energy sharing the same space and time, are you being a positive one?
Be thankful and aware of you Now.
It does not take much or cost anything to be a positive atom of light full of gratitude and totally connected to yourself and the living breathing world around us. You may even enjoy the process of having a deeper relationship with yourself and your place in your world.
Just a thought
Debra Rae
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