I wish that the general media would broadcast more 'feel good' stories, because I know that there are legions of people in this vast world of ours who are making a difference. I know that as I write, some body out there is offering a helping hand, giving to a charity, working with the many organizations and groups we have or just helping a family member or friend. I choose to believe that given the choice, most people would step up and aide their fellow man.
Now you would not know that from the media reports that supply us information 24/7. All we see is the bad and the ugly, with a occasional celeb story thrown in for relief or the latest Internet craze. It is no wonder many are feeling hopeless and over whelmed, with a sense that this world we live in is on a path to destruction. Wars and domestic upheaval with a dash of economic doom and toss that with a taste of climatic disaster's and what are we left with? a feeling of hopelessness.
I am a cynic in many ways, as it is my belief that we are feed this continual feeding of negativity so that we (the people) either just except it or we feel exhausted and depressed and do nothing to create change. We do not question the sources of this information and then we are happy with a small tidbit of good news given by the governments. Baa, baa. We are becoming sheep, with a hook leading us around; all for our own good of course!
With most of the world being hooked up with technology and information, like we have never seen in the past, what a powerful tool. I would like us the people to use those tools to limit the negative and focus on the positive. Unfortunately most of us focus on the bad or we just switch of and isolate ourselves either physically or mentally.
I believe we need to become our own advocates and limit the amounts of pre-package biased based information we absorb. We need for our own self survival to focus our intentions on a positive belief system; I am not saying put your head in the sand and not be informed. I am saying be selective and know the info source you are tuning into, know who owns them and what their affiliations are, because that effects the info being supplied.
Become focused on self empowerment and lose the sheep mentality.
What we put out, will be our primary focus point, so why choose to focus only on the bad and ugly. The choice is yours, all I ask if that you at least think about it.
Debra Rae
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