Sunday, October 30, 2011


I have had opportunity lately to think about and practice gratitude; a lost practice for most of us unless we believe there is a reward of some sort attatched to the outcome. Cynical yes but true. It seems to me that in the search of inner spiritual and metaphysical growth their has become a "quick fix" attitude. People go on mass to one spiritual meeting after another, paying out money to become a master of this and that with little personal attatchment of growth. The piece of paper seems to be the altermant goal. Now I find that just sad. Growth to me means taking the time to understand a new idea or principle, to see how you can apply it to your life and weather that makes you a better person. Now it is about the amount of labels you can attatch to yourself. "What are you" is the question I flequently hear at random meetings I attend and the flow of never ending titles that are casually thrown around is astounding. Most are branded around with ego so attatched it again is so sad for me to watch. Where is the passion and belief in what you have learnt?
May be that's the problem; people have so much access to differnet ideas and principles and really only have to invest money to achieve a goal that the appreciation of the ideal is lost.The need to spend time homing a craft is lost. This instant society we are in has lost the point!
We are here to learn- yes - but also to attach and grow and add to that learning. We need to stop drifting along the surface because thats the easy route. We need to go into the energy and get messy and learn and heal, because if we don't we really miss the point of the exercise entirely.Life is messy and confusing at times and we-people-are equally messy and confused; we need to accept that about ourselves so we can move forward.
The art of Grace has been lost and needs to be found and honored once again. To be grateful and Gracious in life to have honor in the processes and in the people around us that is a place to start. We need to be less about "I" and more about "Us"
May the Grace of Spirit lift me
So I may in turn Lift the spirit of others.

Blessed Be
Debra Rae

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