Monday, August 6, 2012

The Planet

I see a world beyond the veil, a world very much like the one I now live in. This world shines brightly with a golden light that allows all of it people to think and feel beyond ego, to understand that there is both great happiness and power in standing hand in hand. There are no poor, ill or homeless. Every man,woman and child care for each other as a extended family unit. Foods are grown in large community gardens and healers and doctors work in harmony. There is freedom without pursecution to practice every religion new and old. The young are loved and helping hands abound, the old are reverred as Sages with knowlege for anyone who wants to learn. Teachers and educators hold positions of Higer Power and learning is fun for all.
Joy and laughter can be heard through out the world and peace is just not an idea.
Governments aid and are for the people, respect is mutually enjoyed. The earth is celebrated and cherished and the lakes, sea's and oceans are full of thriving energy and life. Air is fresh and tree's,parks and flowers are everywhere full of bee's and insects busy fulfilling their roles.
There is only one race, one people regardless of skin colour or country of origin they are the people of the planet. Differnces are celebrated without ego being generated. Longevity and health in aging the normal; people living comfortably into their hundreds.
It gives me hope and peace in my heart to believe what I see could be real because then I hold onto the possibility that we can strive and achieve this kind of reality. That we can step out of our own ego's and endless need for power and greed and create a world full of possibities. Full of love not anger or hate.
Today I will do my small part and give out love from my heart to the world I live in, the planet beneath my feet and too the people I share it with.
Love and light

Debra Rae